HB 3737 Diabetic Material*
Requires the OSDE to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students and be published on the OSDE website.
Beginning August 1, 2024, the school district board of education and governing board of a charter school shall make copies of the type 1 diabetes informational materials accessible, either digitally or with printed materials, to the parent or guardian of a student when the student is initially enrolled in the school and when the student enters sixth grade. (Effective July 1, 2024)

Immunization Information

The Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Immunization Service Program has launched a new online portal for parents and guardians to submit immunization exemption requests for children in school, child care facilities and Head Start programs. This new process will simplify and accelerate the entire submission and approval process for parents/guardians. More information on immunization exemptions and a link to the new submission portal can be found online by scrolling to and selecting the Vaccination Exemption Information for Parents drop-down section.
The link to the certificate of exemption is to the left of this message.