- March Breakfast Menu
- March Lunch Menu
- February Breakfast Menu
- February Lunch Menu
- January Breakfast Menu 2025
- January Lunch Menu 2025
- Dec Breakfast Menu
- Dec Lunch Menu
- Nov Breakfast Menu 2024
- Nov Lunch Menu 2024
- October 2024 Breakfast
- October 2024 Lunch
- September 2024 Breakfast
- September 2024 Lunch
- 2024 Aug Breakfast
- 2024 Aug Lunch
- 2024-May-Lunch
- 2024-May-Breakfast
- 2024-April-Breakfast
- 2024-April-Lunch
- 2024 March Breakfast
- 2024 March Lunch
- 2024 February Breakfast
- 2024 February Lunch
- 2024-January-Breakfast
- 2024-January-Lunch
- 2023-December-Breakfast
- 2023-December-Lunch
- 2023-November-Breakfast.pdf
- 2023-November-Lunch
- 2023-October-Breakfast
- 2023-October-Lunch
- 2023-September-Lunch.pdf
- 2023-September-breakfast.pdf
- 2023-August-lunch.pdf
- 2023 August Breakfast.pdf
Health & Fitness Info
The Turkey Ford Board of Education recognizes that healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well being. To help ensure students possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food choices for a lifetime, the superintendent shall prepare and implement a comprehensive district nutrition program consistent with state and federal requirements for districts sponsoring the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program. To implement the program, the superintendent shall adopt and implement a comprehensive curriculum on health, fitness, and nutrition that will provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate instruction for grades K-12. The input of staff, students, parents, and public health professionals in the development of the curriculum will be encouraged.
Nutrition, health, and fitness topics shall be integrated within the sequential comprehensive health education curriculum taught at every grade level, K-12, and coordinated with the district’s nutrition and food services operation.
The district shall take a proactive effort to encourage students to make nutritious food choices. The superintendent shall ensure that:
1. A variety of healthy food choices are available whenever food is sold or served on district property or at district-sponsored events;
2. Schools shall regulate the sale or serving of foods or snacks high in fat, sodium, or added sugars; and
3. Nutritious meals served by the school nutrition and food services operation complies with state and federal law.
The Turkey Ford Board of Education recognizes that healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well being. To help ensure students possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food choices for a lifetime, the superintendent shall prepare and implement a comprehensive district nutrition program consistent with state and federal requirements for districts sponsoring the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program. To implement the program, the superintendent shall adopt and implement a comprehensive curriculum on health, fitness, and nutrition that will provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate instruction for grades K-12. The input of staff, students, parents, and public health professionals in the development of the curriculum will be encouraged.
Nutrition, health, and fitness topics shall be integrated within the sequential comprehensive health education curriculum taught at every grade level, K-12, and coordinated with the district’s nutrition and food services operation.
The district shall take a proactive effort to encourage students to make nutritious food choices. The superintendent shall ensure that:
1. A variety of healthy food choices are available whenever food is sold or served on district property or at district-sponsored events;
2. Schools shall regulate the sale or serving of foods or snacks high in fat, sodium, or added sugars; and
3. Nutritious meals served by the school nutrition and food services operation complies with state and federal law.
Child Nutrition Program
The Turkey Ford Public Schools will operate a school lunch program that will include lunch, and may include breakfast, through participation in the Child Nutrition Programs. The superintendent, in conjunction with the food service supervisor and with the approval of the board of education, will establish and post meal prices.
As required for participation in the Child Nutrition Programs, the board prescribes that:
School lunch is to be made available to all students.
Free and reduced price lunches are to be made available for students who meet the federal income guidelines.
In the operation of the Child Nutrition Programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability. Discrimination complaints under these programs should be filed with the State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs, 2500 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4599.
The district shall inform parents of the eligibility standards for free or reduced price meals. Reasonable efforts shall be made to protect the identity of students receiving such meals. A parent has the right to appeal to the superintendent any decision with respect to his/her application for free or reduced price food services.
The district’s child nutrition program shall reflect the board’s commitment to providing adequate time for instruction to promote healthy eating through nutrition education, serving healthy and appealing foods at district schools, developing food-use guidelines for staff, and establishing liaisons with nutrition service providers, as appropriate. Nutrition education topics shall be integrated within the sequential, comprehensive health education program taught at every grade level, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, and coordinated with the district’s nutrition and food services operation.
It is the intent of the board of education that district schools take a proactive effort to encourage students to make nutritious food choices. Meals served in school before the end of the last lunch period shall conform to the U. S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Food and beverages sold or served on district grounds or at district-sponsored events shall meet requirements for nutritional standards and/or other guidelines as may be recommended by the district and school health and nutrition committees. The superintendent shall ensure that nutritious foods are available as an affordable option whenever food is sold or served on district property or at district-sponsored events.
The superintendent is directed to prepare rules and regulations to implement and support this policy, including such provisions as may be necessary to address all food and beverages sold and/or served to students at school (i.e., competitive foods, snacks, and beverages sold from vending machines, school stores, and fund raising activities and refreshments that are made available at school parties, celebrations, and meetings), including provisions for staff development, family and community involvement, and program evaluation.
The Turkey Ford Public Schools will operate a school lunch program that will include lunch, and may include breakfast, through participation in the Child Nutrition Programs. The superintendent, in conjunction with the food service supervisor and with the approval of the board of education, will establish and post meal prices.
As required for participation in the Child Nutrition Programs, the board prescribes that:
School lunch is to be made available to all students.
Free and reduced price lunches are to be made available for students who meet the federal income guidelines.
In the operation of the Child Nutrition Programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability. Discrimination complaints under these programs should be filed with the State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs, 2500 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4599.
The district shall inform parents of the eligibility standards for free or reduced price meals. Reasonable efforts shall be made to protect the identity of students receiving such meals. A parent has the right to appeal to the superintendent any decision with respect to his/her application for free or reduced price food services.
The district’s child nutrition program shall reflect the board’s commitment to providing adequate time for instruction to promote healthy eating through nutrition education, serving healthy and appealing foods at district schools, developing food-use guidelines for staff, and establishing liaisons with nutrition service providers, as appropriate. Nutrition education topics shall be integrated within the sequential, comprehensive health education program taught at every grade level, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, and coordinated with the district’s nutrition and food services operation.
It is the intent of the board of education that district schools take a proactive effort to encourage students to make nutritious food choices. Meals served in school before the end of the last lunch period shall conform to the U. S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Food and beverages sold or served on district grounds or at district-sponsored events shall meet requirements for nutritional standards and/or other guidelines as may be recommended by the district and school health and nutrition committees. The superintendent shall ensure that nutritious foods are available as an affordable option whenever food is sold or served on district property or at district-sponsored events.
The superintendent is directed to prepare rules and regulations to implement and support this policy, including such provisions as may be necessary to address all food and beverages sold and/or served to students at school (i.e., competitive foods, snacks, and beverages sold from vending machines, school stores, and fund raising activities and refreshments that are made available at school parties, celebrations, and meetings), including provisions for staff development, family and community involvement, and program evaluation.
REFERENCE: 70 O.S. §1-107
7 CFR, Parts 210 and 220
7 CFR, Part 245.5
PUBLIC LAW 108-265, SECTION 204.
7 CFR, Parts 210 and 220
7 CFR, Part 245.5
PUBLIC LAW 108-265, SECTION 204.